More Spring Wildflower Walks this week!

We have two wildflower walks coming up this week!

The first is on Tuesday at 6pm at meeting at the Wingra Springs parking lot at the UW Arboretum in Madison. We should see a variety of showy spring ephemerals such as great white trillium, woodland phlox, trout lily, anemones and more! From the Mill street entrance take Arboretum Drive past the residential area and up the hill through Gallistel Woods. The parking lot is at the top of the hill.

The second is on Sunday at 1pm. We'll travel south to Abraham's Woods in Green County to see its exceptional display of spring ephemerals including some rare species such as nodding trillium. After the walk through the woods we'll visit a nearby prairie remnant to see what happening in our grasslands this time of year. We'll meet at the South Madison Branch library at 2222 Park Street to car-pool, or contact us to make other arrangements.

These walks are free and open to the public, and we encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the natural beauty of our region. Please contact Frank if you have any other questions. Please see our wildflower walks webpage for other trips and more information.

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