MOSCOW NEWS - According to information received by World News, Russian authorities on Tuesday pressured top Kremlin critic Alexei Navalnyi to press charges of new fraud against him. The Investigative Committee, Russia's main investigative agency, said it has opened a new criminal case against Navalny on charges of large-scale fraud related to the alleged fraud of some $ 5 million in private donations to its Anti-Corruption Foundation and other organizations .
Navalny, convicted in August after poisoning with a nerve agent in Germany
According to information received by World News, he had blamed the Kremlin, ridiculing the new charges as a sign of Russian President Vladimir Putin's disappointment. It seems that Putin is in a frenzy. Navalani commented on Twitter.
Navalny became ill on 20 August during a domestic flight in Russia
According to information received by World News, two days later he was swept into a coma for treatment in Berlin, where he spent weeks in intensive care. Labs in Germany, France and Sweden, and tests conducted by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons established that he was exposed to the Soviet-era Novichok nerve agent.
Navalani tweeted - Navalni has accused Putin of ordering poisoning
According to information received by World News, the Kremlin has repeatedly denied the allegations. They are trying to put me behind bars for failing to kill me and to continue hunting for their killers and to prove that Putin was behind it. Navalny tweeted. He is a thief who is ready to kill those who refuse to keep quiet about his theft.
Arrested again and again. Suffered various charges
According to information received by World News, the news of the investigation related to Navalni came a day after the country's jail agency accused him of violating the terms of his suspended sentence in a previous case. He gave her a day to report to her office. In the decade since he started writing about official corruption in Russia. The 44-year-old was running for political office, he was repeatedly arrested. Various charges were faced.
The Federal Penitentiary Service pointed to an article by doctors at Charit Hospital in Berlin
According to information received by World News, the medical journal was published in The Lancet and indicated that Navalny had recovered completely. It ordered Navalny to visit his office in line with the terms of the 3 1/2-year suspended sentence he received for the 2014 sentence or if he misses the Tuesday deadline.
Navalny, who previously said he planned to return to Russia after he recovered completely
Navalny scoffed at the demand, stating that in reference to the Federal Penitentiary Service of the article in The Lancet, the government was acknowledged that he had been poisoned. Russian officials have insisted that no trace of poison was found by the doctors who treated the naval in Siberia before the airlift took place in Germany.
German authorities were challenged to give proof of his poison
According to information received by World News, Navalny refused to open a full criminal investigation, citing lack of evidence of poisoning. The European Union imposed sanctions on six Russian officials and a state research institute concluded after tests by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons that Novalny was exposed in Novichok. Russia has returned with its sanctions against EU officials.