Black Wildebeest Jasmine Rice fired shots with AR-15 she bought on street for $200 on an EBT CARD, police say

Those feral criminal welfare breeding Negro wildebeests sure do love to smile in their mugshots

Memphis Police arrested a woman who allegedly admitted to shooting at two women with an AR-15 assault rifle.

The incident happened May 7 in the 4000 block of Gigam Drive in Westwood.

The victims were walking in the neighborhood when a black wildebeest in black gloves opened her front door and began shooting from inside, police said.

According to an affidavit, the suspect, identified as Jasmine Rice, told police she bought the high-powered weapon off the street for $200.

Rice confessed to firing four shots at the victims.

She now faces two counts of aggravated assault, records show.

The average price for an AR-15 is anywhere from $600 to $2,500, according to True Gun Value.

Sources with the Memphis Police Department told FOX13 that officers have been recovering more guns like the AR-15 from the streets in recent months.

This helps keeps those guns from being sold for discounted prices to irresponsible people with no training or background check.

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