Feral Hangry Negro Maurice Wooten hits woman in face with gun after she refuses to make him popcorn, police say

An argument over popcorn ended with a man hitting a woman in the face with a gun, according to an affidavit from the Memphis Police Department.

Court records show that on April 20 Maurice Wooten asked a woman to make him popcorn and the woman refused.

That’s when, according to the woman, Wooten pulled out a gun and put the barrel of the gun against her forehead.

Wooten then hit her in the face with the gun, she told police.

The woman’s son told police that he came to her aid and that Wooten pointed the gun at him and said “Back up”.

The mother and son both identified Wooten. Wooten was arrested on Monday, May 23 and charged with two counts of aggravated assault.

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