Today is the 34th day of the peasant movement against agricultural laws

Today is the 34th day of the peasant movement against agricultural laws


India News - The 7th round of talks will be held between the government and farmers on Wednesday after 21 days. The farmers gave the government a date of 29 December, but the government received an invitation for 30 December. Which the farmers accepted, but said that the government should tell the agenda.

Ambani's products intensify

Farmers shut down Reliance's petrol pump on GT Road near Samalkha in Panipat on Monday. Torn off posters and banners. Police has registered a case. 3 policemen have been deployed at the pump. The manager of the pump said that this is the third incident when the farmers have closed the petrol pump.

On the other hand, about 1500 telecom towers have been damaged in Punjab so far. Most of them belong to Reliance Jio. This has affected the mobile service. Reliance Jio has sought help from Punjab Police to protect the towers.

Tractor march on 31 December if talks with the government were not successful

Rakesh Tikait, national spokesperson of the Bharatiya Kisan Union, said, "We will discuss the proposals that we have put. If the law is not withdrawn, we will sit here. The farmers have also announced a tractor march on 30 December. However, sources say that if talks with the government were not successful, the march would be held on 31 December.

Facebook now Physical Safety KEY

For years, the security of our home and institutions was handed over to the lock-key. When the era of technology came, Internet companies changed the scale of security by inventing a virtual key in the form of passwords. The security of the home-shop, vault became dependent on the password. Bank accounts, lockers, home security systems became obsolete with these 'virtual keys'. Now if these technology companies start relying on the old key, what would you say…?

Will have to buy this key

Recently, the world's largest social network company Facebook has announced that it will provide 'Physical Safety Key' (Security Key) to the users worldwide from next year to improve data security. According to Nathaniel Gleiker, head of Facebook's security policy, users will be able to buy these tokens or physical keys from various retailers. You will also be able to buy them online. You will be able to use it as soon as you register it with Facebook.

Will protect you from hackers

Facebook has said that hackers target information related to social media handles of important people. If you are not a CEO or a big leader, it does not mean that you are not an important person in your field or you cannot be targeted. Facebook has been using two-step verification and real-time monitoring under the protection till now to avoid the threats of hackers, but with the launch of 'Physical Safety Key', it has been believed that technology companies have also been for years. One has to return to the ongoing safety standards.

Facebook believes that if the user uses the 'security key', the hacker will not be able to infiltrate his account even if he cracks the password. So far, Facebook has been providing such 'virtual keys' for high-profile accounts such as American leaders, government agencies and polling personnel. Now from next year, common users across the world will also be able to use 'Physical Safety Key' for identity verification before login on mobile app and desktop.

How will physical safety be

Physical safety is like a pen drive. It has to be plugged into a USB port. Google first launched 'USB Security Key' in 2014. The price of Facebook's 'Physical Safety Key' has not been revealed yet.

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